This training course, containing 4 day slides broken into 16 modules, enables you to understand basic concept and architecture of SAP BASIS. Content of each slide is summarised below:
- Day 1:
- Module 1 Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):Define an ERP, Relate SAP to an ERP, Recognize the evolution of SAP, Identify the various components of SAP,Put in your own words the underlying features of SAP Netweaver,Categorize various kinds of client-server architecture from a SAP perspective, Analyze SAP’s release as well as maintenance strategy
- Module 2 SAP Project Lifecycle: Identify the different phases of SAP Project Lifecycle
- Module 3 Fundamentals of SAP WAS:Interpret the architecture of SAP Web Application Server (WAS), Describe ABAP and JAVA Processes, Identify the different types of SAP WAS
- Module 4 Starting and Stopping SAP Systems: Describe the start sequence of an ABAP+JAVA System, Analyze how to start and stop an SAP system using SAP MMC, JAVA MC or command line argument, Recall the JAVA instance from ABAP interface
- Day 2:
- Module 5 SAP Installations and JAVA SCF: Identify the different types of SAP installation, Describe the Java Startup process
- Module 6 SAP System Landscape and SAP Kernel: Identify and understand an SAP landscape, Explain the basics of Change and Transport System, Understand the important kernel files
- Module 7 Operation Modes and SAP Web Dispatcher: Interpret the importance of operation modes, Identify the application of SAP Web Dispatcher for load balancing
- Module 8 Client Concepts and Administration: Define a client from SAP perspective, Interpret client roles, Identify client copy, Describe the system change option
- Day 3:
- Module 9 Transport System (Includes Non-SAP Objects): Differentiate between modification and development, Put in your own words the concept of transports, Identify the underlying processes during imports, Recognize non-ABAP transports
- Module 10 Spool Management and Java Tools: Put in your own words the concept of spool servers, Explain print administration, Use tools like Visual Admin, Java Configure and NWA
- Module 11 Database Basics: Put in your own words the concept of Database structure, Identify various database objects, Describe the architecture of SAP system, Categorize the various components of database in SAP, Put in your own words the concepts on ABAP dictionary, Define recommended DB backup cycle, Explain DB transactions
- Day 4:
- Module 12 Solution Manager Basics: Understand the solution Manager basics, Explain the system landscape directory
- Module 13 SAP Support Package: Put in your own words the concepts on SAP support packages, Differentiate between SPAM and SAINT, Explain SAP support package implementation process, Recall the SPAM and SAINT update, Summarize the overview of JAVA support package manager, Describe the SAP enhancement packages
- Module 14 SAP System Upgrade: Describe the planning and preparation of SAP system upgrade, Categorize several tools available in performing system upgrade, Explain modification adjustment
- Module 15 ALE EDI RFC: Understand the application link enabling (ALE) – concepts, Understand electronic data interchange (EDI) – concepts, Explain what is remote function calls (RFC)?, Describe RFC maintenance, Identify the types of RFC, Summarize the setting up and testing of remote connection
- Module 16 SAP Memory Management: Describe the architecture of SAP memory management, Put in your own words the concepts on SAP memory, Identify the different types of memory, Explain SAP memory allocation process, Differentiate between roll-in and roll-out concepts, Analyze PRIV mode, Describe the profile parameters of memory management, Visualize the implementation on SAP extended memory, Interpret memory usage for SAP AS JAVA, Put in your own words the details on JVM
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