Open Purchase Order Quantity

As the name suggests, Open Purchase Order Quantity is the total quantity yet to be received on a purchase order in SAP MM. Thus, if a PO purchase order was made for 100 numbers of a particular material. Let us suppose, there were two goods receipt for this purchase order say of 20 numbers and 45 numbers. Now the open purchase order quantity for this order would be 35 (100-20-45). Open purchase order quantity is nothing but the difference between the quantity ordered and quantity delivered till date.

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Different Planning Views

End-users can get confused about the difference between;

MD04 – Stock/requirement List and
MD05 – MRP List.

MD05 will show only the situation as it was since the last MRP run. This transaction is suitable for reviewing the MRP run. Without taking into account new stock issues or receipts MD05 is ideal for evaluating your MRP parameters. Look at the stock date, this is the date of the last MRP run.

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SAP MM Study:Physical Inventory

Main Business Scenario

Your enterprise has to carry out a physical inventory of its warehouse stocks at least once per fiscal year to balance its inventory. Various procedures can be implemented for this.

In a periodic inventory, all the enterprise’s stocks are physically counted on the balance sheet key date. Every material has to be counted. During counting, the entire warehouse must be blocked for material movements.

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MM-FI Integration in SAP R/3

Like SD and MM integration as highlighted before, SAP also cover some of the integration area related to Material Management and Financial Accounting components of SAP R/3. Under this article, some of the important steps related MM-FI Integration have been highlighted. This complete integration is covered in SPRO under the node Valuation and Account Assignment (Account Determination & Automatic Postings).

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Changing the Material Valuation Types


Assuming you have defined split valuation types in the sap img, you must remove all stock for the current period and one previous period before you can create the material with different valuation types.

The best method is to wait until the last day of a period, and then perform a physical inventory adjustment to remove the stock.

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