Purchase Requisition Manuals


Initial Setup of Purchase Requisition Default value screen
Create Purchase Requisition with Contract Discount
Creating a Purchase Requisition for Stock Materials
Create Requisition – Outside Vendor (No Contract) Cost Center and Asset
Release Purchase Requisition-ZE57
Release / Un-release Individual Requisition-ME54N

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MRP Vendor Selection

It is possible to let MRP propose the preferred (or fixed) vendor for your external procurement. This is especially useful in a scenario where a central purchasing department is dictating vendor selection, but where the actual procurement decisions (quantity and timing) is done elsewhere (e.g. production dept for procurement of raw materials). This post will give you the step-by-step:

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Dynamic Safety Stock Calculation

The dynamic safety stock is calculated in the planning run of the order proposal quantity. In the MRP evaluation, MD04 – you can check the parameters used to calculate the dynamic safety stock in the period totals display.To set the dynamic safety stock themaster data settingsrequired are,

1.      Maintain MRP view.

2.      In MRP 2 view enter the coverage profile which in configuration will carry the elements required as detailed below.

3.      Material master- you have MRP type PD.It is maintained in SPRO under the node->      

SPRO -Production-Material Requirements PlanningàPlanning-MRP CalculationàDefine Range of Coverage Profile (Dynamic Safety Stock).

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MRP vs Consumption-based Planning (CBP) in SAP

MRP and Consumption-based planning are two fundamental SAP planning types that can be used to determine a product’s requirements. To avoid any confusion on the subject: I am not talking about the MRP run that is executed through MD01 and MD02. I’m talking about planning types that are set in the Material Master’s MRP1 tab. The MRP type is used in the MRP run to determine HOW procurement and/or production quantities are calculated.

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SAP Purchase Order Procedure

The purchase order can be used for a variety of procurement purposes. Materials can be procured externally for direct consumption or for stock. It is also possible to procure services externally. Furthermore, the special procurement types “subcontracting”; “third party” (involving triangular business deals and direct-to-customer shipments) and “consignment” are possible.

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