The ‘Parking of a Document’ in SAP is one of the two preliminary postings (the other being the ‘Holding’ of documents) in the system and refers to the storing of incomplete documents in the system. These documents can later be called on for completion and posting. While ‘parking’ a document, the system does not carry out the mandatory ‘validity checking.’ The system does not also carry out any automatic postings (such as creating tax line items) or ‘balance checks.’ As a result, the transaction figures (account balances) are not updated. This is true in the case of all financial transactions except in the area of TR-CM (Cash management) where ‘parked’ documents will update the transactions.
Hold Document
Preliminary Postings in SAP
The user can use preliminary postings to enter and store incomplete documents in the system. Preliminary postings do not update any data in the system, such as amounts. The two types of preliminary postings are:
- Parked Document
- Hold Document