Yet Another Great Step by Step LSMW Tutorial

In an SAP R/3 implementation the data from legacy system (non SAP R/3) needs to be transferred to the SAP system. Periodic data transfer between R/3 and other system (interfacing) is also required. Both of the above form a part of data migration. In SAP, known tools for data migration are:

  • BDC (Batch Data Communication)
  • LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench)

This document presents high level view of LSMW and to provides you information about how to use this functionality. Following are the headlines from this study material:

  • Difference between BDC & LSMW
  • What is LSMW ? Principles, Features and Pre-Requisities for LSMW
  • Import methods defined: IDOC’ s,BAPI’s, Standart/Direct Input, Batch Input
  • Step by step procedures for using conversion tool LSMW
  • Step by step procedures for Direct Input Method, Batch Input Method, BAPI in LSMW and so on..

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A Complete Reference to ABAP Basics

Starting with the definition of R/3 Architecture Components, this document brings you to a complete overview of the almost all ABAP Basics. During the reading you will learn the common statements used in creation of ABAP Screens with given examples and then you will be introduced to Data Dictionary objects. The ongoing topics covered in this document are as follows:

  • Internal Tables : Purpose of Internal Tables, Types, Used System Variables…
  • Subroutines : Statements used in Subroutines…
  • Reports : Types of Reports…
  • Module Pool Programming (MPP) : Events used in MPP, Creation steps of a simple MPP…
  • Menu Painter
  • Batch Data Communication : Methods used in BDC: Direct Input Method, Call Transaction Method and Session Method…
  • LSMW ( Legacy System Migration Workbench) : Steps required to create LSMW
  • SAPScript : Components of SAPScript
  • Smartforms : Advantages, Components and Navigation Settings of Smartforms

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Batch Data Communication (BDC) in SAP R/3

The early versions of R/3, SAP has been providing batch interfacing techniques. Among these techniques, Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the oldest one. BDC is not bi-directional; it is an integration tool in its typical form. It can only be used for uploading data into RJ3. BDC works through an ABAP program and works on the principle of simulating user input for transactional screen.

The purpose of the Batch Data Communication is to transfer data. The BDC can transfer data from one SAP System to another SAP System or can transfer data from non-SAP System to SAP System too. To transfer data BDC uses normal transaction codes. Two methods are provided to BDC to do this work.

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ABAP Training Slides for Beginners

Get the basics and most important aspects of ABAP with this presentation package.Contents covered;

  1. ABAP Programming Language:
    • Get an introduction to ABAP Programming,
    • Identify ABAP Workbenchcomponents
  2. Introduction to ABAP Programming:
    • Remember basic terms in ABAP Programming,
    • Identify ABAP development basics,
    • Examine ABAP programming environment and ABAP Editor,
    • Write basic ABAP program syntax
  3. Simple Output Statements:
    • List the ABAP write statement,
    • Writing Icons and Symbols List New-Page statement,
    • Maintaining page header
  4. ABAP Data Declarations:
    • List ABAP elementary data types,
    • Declaring variables,
    • List user-defined data types,
    • Use arithmetic expressions,
    • List field-symbols
  5. Retrieving Data with SELECT Statements:
    • Retrieve information from the database using Open SQL,
    • Create basic Select statements for use in ABAP Code,
    • Describe the system field SY-SUBRC and properly use it in an ABAP Program.
  6. Control Statements:
    • Use the basic Control Flow Constructs that are available in the ABAP Editor
    • Use the following statements in an ABAP Program
    • Use the Logical Expressions that are available in the ABAP Editor
  7. Data Structures and Internal Tables
    • Create a Structure in an ABAP Program
    • Create an Internal Table in an ABAP program
    • Populate an Internal Table with data
    • Read Database information into an Internal Table
  8. Multiple Line Selection
    • Write check boxes in the screen.
    • Providing additional information on single record on the screen.
    • Use READ-LINE statement with SY-INDEX.

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Differences Between LSMW and BDC

The differences between LSMW and BDC are as follows:

LSMW is generally for normal SAP applications, while BDC is mainly for any customized applications.

LSMW is a Non-SAP to SAP communication TOOL, whereas BDC is a SAP to SAP communication UTILITY.

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