Self Service Requisitioning Guide in SAP S/4HANA

The document explains how to use material master data to create catalogs for Self Service Requisitioning in SAP S/4HANA. This process helps to control the indirect spend of an organization by using contracts with negotiated prices. The document presents a sample business case of catalog assisted self service procurement with the following steps explained;

  • Creation of Org. Unit[PO10]
  • Creation of Positions [PO13]
  • Employee Creation [PA40]
  • Linking the Employee & Business Partner [/SHCM/RH_SYNC_BUPA_EMPL_SINGLE]
  • Catalog Configuration for Material Master
  • Define Additional Attributes for Product Catalog Categories
  • Define Settings for Cross Catalog Search
  • Define number ranges for Catalog Items
  • Define number range for Search terms
  • Define number range for Attachments
  • Activities on FIORI

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SAP Business Partner: Key Concepts, Configuration and End User Guide

Business Partner (BP) is a key concept in SAP S/4HANA that simplifies the master data management for customers and suppliers. BP allows you to create a single entity that represents both a customer and a supplier, and to assign multiple roles and relationships to it. BP also enables you to store general data that is shared by all roles, and specific data that is relevant for each role. BP offers many advantages over the classical transactions for customer and supplier master data, such as:

  • Data harmonization and consolidation
  • Data reuse and integrity
  • Multiple addresses and account groups
  • Time dependency and history

In this document, following topics are covered:

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Material Document Tables in SAP S/4HANA

A material document is a record of a goods movement that affects the inventory quantity or value of a material. For example, when you receive goods from a vendor, issue goods to a production order, or transfer goods from one storage location to another, a material document is created.

A material document consists of a header and one or more items. The header contains general information such as the document number, document date, posting date, movement type, and reference document. The items contain specific information such as the material number, quantity, unit of measure, plant, storage location, batch, valuation type, and accounting documents.

In SAP S/4HANA, material document tables are simplified and harmonized compared to the previous SAP ERP system. The main tables for material document are:

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End Users Guide to Monthly Rent Payment Process in SAP MM

The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive overview of the monthly rent payment process in the context of Material Management (MM) Contract and Service procurement processes, as implemented in SAP. This document is intended for use by personnel involved in managing the rent payment process, including but not limited to procurement specialists, contract administrators, and accounts payable personnel.

The process involves following list of steps;

  • Creation of Contract with Vendor – ME31K
  • Creation of Purchase order with reference to Contract (Release Order) –ME21N
  • Release of Purchase Order – ME28/ME29N
  • Creation of Service Entry Sheet – ML81N
  • Invoice Receipt – MIRO
  • Payment to Vendor – F-53

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5 Step Configuration Guide to Calculation Schema for Purchase Order in SAP

This guide explains how to configure the calculation schema for purchase order in SAP. The calculation schema is a set of rules that determines how the system calculates the net price, taxes, discounts, surcharges, and other conditions for a purchase order.
The calculation schema is assigned to a vendor or a purchasing organization in the master data. You can also change the calculation schema manually in the purchase order header or item.
To configure the calculation schema for purchase order in SAP, following steps are explained in this guide with screenshots:

  • Step1: Maintain Condition Table
  • Step 2: Define Access Sequence
  • Step 3: Define Condition Types
  • Step 4: Define Calculation Schema
  • Step 5: Define Schema Group for Vendors and Purchase Organizations

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Shelf Life Expiration Date in SAP Material Master: End Users Guide

Shelf life expiration date (SLED) is a date that indicates the end of a product’s usability. In SAP Material Master Data, SLED is used to control the inventory of perishable goods and to prevent the delivery of expired products to customers.

SLED is calculated based on the following information in the material master:

– Minimum remaining shelf life: The minimum number of days that a product must have left until its expiration date at the time of goods receipt or delivery.
– Total shelf life: The maximum number of days that a product can be stored before it expires.
– Period indicator for SLED: The unit of time (days, weeks, months, etc.) used to specify the minimum remaining shelf life and the total shelf life.
– Rounding rule for calculation of SLED: The rule that determines how the SLED is rounded up or down based on the period indicator.

For example, if a product has a total shelf life of 90 days, a minimum remaining shelf life of 10 days, a period indicator of days, and a rounding rule of round up to next day, then the SLED is calculated as follows:

– If the product is received on April 1st, 2023, then the SLED is April 1st + 90 days = June 30th, 2023.
– If the product is delivered on June 20th, 2023, then the remaining shelf life is June 30th – June 20th = 10 days, which meets the minimum requirement.
– If the product is delivered on June 21st, 2023, then the remaining shelf life is June 30th – June 21st = 9 days, which does not meet the minimum requirement. The system will issue a warning or an error message depending on the configuration.

SLED is an important feature in SAP Material Master Data that helps to ensure the quality and safety of products and to optimize the inventory management of perishable goods.
In the end user document provided in link, you are guided through:

  • Maintenance of General Plant Data/Storage view in MM01 transaction code,
  • Definition of Span for the Material
  • Browse Material Shelf Life Lists in MB5M

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