Creation of Purchase Order Automatically

Create Purchase Order Automatically in Purchasing

For creation of purchase Order automatically from Purchase Requisitions we need to do the following additional settings in addition to our standard ones.
Activate ‘auto PO’ indicator for material master
Activate ‘auto PO’ indicator for vendor master
Create Purchase Requisitions using T Code ME51 or ME51N
Use T. Code ME59 or ME59N for auto conversion of PR into purchase order

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Material Number Ranges and Formatting


The material number in R/3 is technically defined as an eighteen byte, character field.The logic that formats material numbers is contained in a conversion exit and is controlled by configuration tables, number range objects and standard R/3 customer functions. This document first explains how material number ranges are defined and then details a few methods for enhancing the standard functionality.

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Material Master Related Notes in SAP


To implement an integrated system of production planning and materials management, you must have a central database wherein anyone in your company can find out all there is to know about any material passing through the plant.
Everyone must use the same rules and data structures when they enter data about material details.
The integration of all material data in a single database object eliminates redundant data storage. Areas such as purchasing, inventory management, material requirements planning (MRP), invoice verification, and so on, can all use the same data.

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SAP R/3 Purchasing Management

31 Steps to Purchasing Management


Step 1: Define a Company
Step 2: Define Company code
Step 3: Assign Company code to Company
Step 4: Define a Plant
Step 5: Maintain Purchasing Organization
Step 6: Maintain Storage Location
Step 7: Assign Plant to Company code

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