Stock Transfer Between Storage Locations in SAP

This process describes to transfer the material stock between storage locations. This stock transfer procedure reduces the corresponding stock type at the issuing storage location and increases the same stock type at the receiving storage location. At plant level, the stock level does not change, except that the stock is distributed differently among the storage locations in the plant. The system does not create an accounting document for the material document. A stock transfer from storage location to storage location is possible for all stock types.

This process is triggered when the material stock is to be transferred between storage locations.

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Stock Transfer Between Plant Using STO with Delivery Order

This process used to transfer goods between plants using Stock transport order with Delivery order. Before doing this function the Material must be maintained in both supplying and receiving plants. And in sales organization data 1 screen the delivering plant must be maintained. This process has the following stages.

  1. Creation of stock transport order (STO) at receiving plant (T code – ME21N)
  2. Transfer posting of Material to Material (T Code MB1B)
  3. Creation of Replenishment order (Outbound delivery order) at Supplying plant with reference to the Stock transport order(STO) (T code – VL10B)
  4. Changing of the Replenishment order delivery .i.e. Goods issue at supplying plant (T code – VL02N)
  5. Goods Receipt at receiving plant (T Code MIGO)

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Materials Management (MM) Integration in Other Modules

  • Integration in Financial Accounting

Purchasing maintains data on the vendors that are defined in the system jointly with Finance. Information on each vendor is stored in a vendor master record that contains both accounting and procurement information. The vendor master record represents the creditor account in Finance.

  • Integration in Sales and Distribution

Within the framework of materials planning and control, a requirement that has arisen in the Sales area can be passed on to purchasing. In addition, when a requisition is created, it can be directly assigned to a sales order. As soon as you enter a sales order, you can initiate a dynamic availability check of on hand stock.

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Materials Management: User Training Manuals

Find below end user training manual for overall processes of the following topics

  • Generate Differences List
  • Goods Issuance of Bill Production Materials
  • GR for Materials Directly Charged on Projects
  • Goods Receipt for PO STO
  • GR for Initial Entry of Stock Balances
  • Stock Transport Order (PO STO)
  • Partial Acceptance & Setting of Delivery Completion Indicator
  • Material Reservation for Maintenance & Operation
  • Goods Receipt of Scrap Lots (In Batches)

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Transaction Keys in SAP Materials Management

Also known as ‘process keys,’ the ‘Transaction Keys’ are pre-defined in the system to enable transaction postings in Inventory Management and Accounting (Invoice Verification). For each of the movement types in MM, there is a value string that stores these possible transactions.
The pre-defined transaction keys are in OBYC tcode are:
  • BSX (used in Inventory Postings)
  • WRX (used in GR/IR Clearing Postings)
  • PRD (used to post Cost/Price differences)
  • UMB (used to post Revenue/Expenses from revaluation)
  • GBB (used in offsetting entries in Stock postings)

BSX, WRX, and PRD are examples of transaction keys that are relevant for a GR with reference to a purchase order for a material with standard price control. The transaction key UMB is used when the standard price has changed and the movement is posted to a previous period. Likewise,
GBB is used to identify the GL account to post to as the offsetting entry to the stock account (when not referencing a purchase order) such as miscellaneous goods receipts, goods issues for sales orders with no account assignment, and scrapping.

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