EDI 850(Purchase Order)
An EDI 850 Purchase Order is an electronic version of a paper Purchase Order.A buyer will use the 850 Purchase Order to communicate to a supplier the specific items, price, and quantities they wish to have delivered.Each EDI Purchase Order document will have data organized into segments and data elements.Each segment contains at least one data element. Each data element is a data field. Examples of data elements on the Purchase Order include vendor number, item, quantity, price per item, street address, city, state and zip code, just like on a paper purchase order. The standards bodies have allowed for every conceivable possibility for data on the EDI Purchase Order document. Any one company will use a small subset of the available choices within the ANS X.12 or UN/EDIFACT standards
Browse ABAP related topics under this category
Commonly Used Transactions for EDI Support
Transaction Function
IDOC Maintenance
WEDI SAP Easy Access – EDI and IDOC Basis
WE02/05/09 Change/Display/Search IDOC
WE07 IDOC Statistics (IDOCs in Error)
WE19 Inbound IDOC Testing Tool
BD87 Process IDOC
The New ABAP Editor
The Code Editor is an ActiveX control that can be used to replace the standard source code editor (based on an SAP TextEditor) for any SAP system that supports ActiveX embedding. The reason for the replacement is that the standard RTF control, which the SAP TextEditor is based on, is not optimized for working with line-based text (as source code) and does not support modern code-editing functionality.
- Powerful, Fully-Customizable Highlighting for Predefined Keywords, Comments, and Strings
- Language Schemes
- Fully-Customizable Display Functionality
- Different Types of Word Wrap
- Different Cursor and Caret Styles
- Active Status Bar
- Edit Functionality
- Drag & Drop Editing
- Clipboard Ring
- Block Selection of Text in Addition to Normal Selection
- Multiple Clipboard Formats
- Extended “Pretty Print” Functionality
- Automatic Brace and Structures Matching, Current Scope Displaying
- Powerful Find/Replace Functionality
- Incremental Search (Forward/Backward)
- Code Outlining/Structuring
- Code Hints
- Quick Info
- User-Defined Code Templates
- Bookmarks
- Scroll navigation
- Printing with Previewing of documents in color
- Window Splitter
- Go to Line
- Different Keyboard Schemes
- External Files Handling
- Export Functionality
- XML Settings
SAP BAdI Introduction
BADI – Business Add Ins are enhancements to the standard version of the code of SAP. They can be inserted into the SAP system to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Customers can find the possible enhancements (BADIs) in their SAP system in the Implementation Guide (IMG) and in the component hierarchy. BADI definitions are included in the IMG so that the customer can create suitable, company-specific implementations. SAP guarantees the upward compatibility of all Business Add-In interfaces. Release upgrades do not affect enhancement calls from within the standard software nor do they affect the validity of call interfaces.
Unicode Enabling of ABAP
Covered Contents:
Unicode Overview
What is Unicode
Need for Unicode
Unicode Character formats
Successfully Leverage ALE and IDocs for New Application Integration
The topics covered within the material are;
Understanding the SAP product offering
Following the evolution of SAP integration technology
Examining ALE/IDOC interfacing technology
Reviewing SAP product integration scenarios
Using ALE/IDocs
Applying ALE/IDOCS with R/3 and mySAP
Interfacing with SAP
SAP AG has been coming up with new tools and techniques to support emerging industry standard EAI technologies from time to time.
The following are the techniques currently supported by SAP (as in SAP Version 4.6c) for both
batch and real-time interfacing.