Frequently Used Transactions for XI Developers

Here are listed an overview of the most frequently used transactions and URLs, aimed at XI developers

XI Transactions
SXMB_IFRStart Integration Builder
SXMB_MONIIntegration Engine – Monitoring
SXI_MONITORXI: Message Monitoring
SLDCHECKTest SLD Connection
SXMB_ADMIntegration Engine – Administration
SXI_CACHEXI Directory Cache
SXMB_MONI_BPEProcess Engine – Monitoring
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZINGAutomatic BPM Customizing

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Useful Tables and Functional Modules(Updated)


  1. To find all the tables used in a transaction use table : D010TAB (Get the main program of the transaction from SE93)
  2. To find all the tables which contains a specific field use table : DD03L ( For text DD03T)
  3. To find all the segments that contains a specific fields use table : EDSAPPL
  4. To find all the Idoc basic type that contains a specific segment use table: IDOCSYN
  5. To find all the Idoc extensions that contains a specific segment use table: CIMSYN
  6. To find all the parameter Id Use table : TPARA
  7. To get the main program of a include use FM : RS_GET_MAINPROGRAMS

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PP Transactional Flow

Step 1: Material Master
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Material Master > Material > Create General > Immediately MM01

Step 2: BOM creation
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Bills of Material > Bills of Material > Material BOM > Create CS01

Step 3: Work Center creation
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Work Center > ( New Screen ) Work Center > Create CR01

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Pricing Procedure in SD

An Overview of Determination & Configuration of Pricing Procedure is as follows:

In SD, Pricing Procedure is determined based on Sales Area (Sales Organization + Distribution Centre + Division) + Customer Pricing Procedure + Document Pricing Procedure. Sales Area is determined in Sales Order Header Level. Customer Pricing Procedure is determined from Customer Master. Document Pricing Procedure is determined from Sales Document Type / Billing Type (if configured). Once the pricing procedure is determined, Condition records are fetched. If appropriate condition records are found, the price is determined. If Mandatory pricing condition is missing, system will through an error message.

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Step by Step SAP Product Costing End-User Documents

The provided file list consists of various processes related to SAP Product Costing which are essential for managing and analyzing costs associated with materials, production orders, and cost estimates within the SAP system. Here is the list of files shared:

C088 Settlement Prod Cost Collector Collective
CK11N Create Material Cost Estimate
CK13N Display Material Cost Estimate
CK24 Mark Future Price
CK24 Release Price Update
CK40N Edit Costing Run
CK44 Delete Costing run

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Frequently Used Procedures in SAP

Disable Multiple Logins in the Same Client

To disable multiple user logins within the same client implement this parameter in the instance profile:

login/disable_multi_gui_login = 1

If you do not use this parameter in your system, users have the ability to ignore the warning window at the time they try to login to the same client.

Activating this parameter in your system will make you look good if you get audited!

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SAP SD Billing Document Consolidation and Splitting Guide


Most organizations run the billing due list nightly to create billing documents. Quite often there are questions related to how and why certain deliveries or orders combine, or fail to combine, on billing documents. This document will explain how the standard system works and provide examples of how the standard logic can be enhanced.

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