Three new tables in the new general ledger handle totals, store general-ledger and specific line items, and calculate valuations for year-end closings in parallel ledgers
Two new tables (FAGLFLEXA & FAGLFLEXP) store the ledger-specific line items (Actual & Planned) & contain additional information for use in the entry view. The tables help in updating different characteristics and document splitting information, different period shifts, and different currencies in specific ledgers for individual documents. Helps in preparing reports for specific dimensions at item level.
The third table (BSEG_ADD) contains documents that are posted in connection with valuations for year-end closing in selected parallel ledgers. However, these documents are inapplicable if one do not use parallel accounting or use the accounting approach to portray parallel accounting.
In addition to the three tables, own table can be defined using FAGLFLEXT as template
The new totals table contains additional standard fields for storing totals. This standard table can activate support for many scenarios by customizing the software. It supports Segment Reporting, Profit-Center updating, Cost-of-Sales accounting, Cost-center updating, Preparation for consolidation and Business-area updating