Get the basics and most important aspects of ABAP with this presentation package.Contents covered;
- ABAP Programming Language:
- Get an introduction to ABAP Programming,
- Identify ABAP Workbenchcomponents
- Introduction to ABAP Programming:
- Remember basic terms in ABAP Programming,
- Identify ABAP development basics,
- Examine ABAP programming environment and ABAP Editor,
- Write basic ABAP program syntax
- Simple Output Statements:
- List the ABAP write statement,
- Writing Icons and Symbols List New-Page statement,
- Maintaining page header
- ABAP Data Declarations:
- List ABAP elementary data types,
- Declaring variables,
- List user-defined data types,
- Use arithmetic expressions,
- List field-symbols
- Retrieving Data with SELECT Statements:
- Retrieve information from the database using Open SQL,
- Create basic Select statements for use in ABAP Code,
- Describe the system field SY-SUBRC and properly use it in an ABAP Program.
- Control Statements:
- Use the basic Control Flow Constructs that are available in the ABAP Editor
- Use the following statements in an ABAP Program
- Use the Logical Expressions that are available in the ABAP Editor
- Data Structures and Internal Tables
- Create a Structure in an ABAP Program
- Create an Internal Table in an ABAP program
- Populate an Internal Table with data
- Read Database information into an Internal Table
- Multiple Line Selection
- Write check boxes in the screen.
- Providing additional information on single record on the screen.
- Use READ-LINE statement with SY-INDEX.